Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tim in California

From Chicago Tim flew to Anaheim to represent ACSI at a convention and at Biola University. BFA alumni are scattered everywhere around the globe, and he met some of them at Biola.
Christine graduated with Luke from BFA in 2007. She is currently studying at Biola.

Nate, another BFA grad who is on staff at Biola.

Jon graduated from BFA in 2010 and is a sophomore at Biola.

Stephanie graduated from BFA in June and is a freshman at Biola. She was a star soccer player (MVP) at BFA and plays on the team at Biola.

Tim with Carrie and Laura. Carrie works in HR at BFA and is visiting Biola to staff. Laura and her husband are parents of BFA alumni; Laura is currently taking classes at Biola. 

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