Wednesday, May 12, 2010

BFA Board Farewell

One week ago today the BFA Board (that Tim has served on for many years), hosted a farewell for us. These pictures will give you just a small taste of what a beautiful evening it was. We were overwhelmed by the kind comments, the video presentation, the decorations, the food, and all of the people, Germans included, who attended.
Thank-you, Doris and Eileen, for sharing your pictures with me so I could post them!

Normally this is a brick patio on any given school day. The night of our farewell the patio was transformed into a beautiful garden with fresh dirt, flowers, etc... Pictures don't do it justice!

Visiting with German friends who attended.

My amazing small group of girls helped to host the evening. They were servers and servants in every respect, helping out wherever needed! I am so proud of them!

1 comment:

Dani J said...

It's obvious that you are dearly loved by the BFA/Kandern community and have made a huge impact over the past three decades. Thank you for your years of ministry and for the legacy you are leaving for us new-comers!