Monday, June 02, 2008

Internship in Switzerland

Yesterday we drove Luke to Switzerland where he begins a two month internship today. He is living in the beautiful old town of Roggwil near Bodensee(Lake Constance) - you can see it in the distance. Roggwil is a two hour drive from our house in Germany. It is in eastern Switzerland and 30 minutes from Austria.

All of these pictures were taken from the "tower" at his workplace. What an incredible view from up there!

Luke is living in the house closest to the forest in the photo below(the house where you can only see the roof). He is a 3 minute walk from work.
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Shawna said...

So, I'm sensing a couple family vacations this summer to Roggwil? What a beautiful place. And Bodensee doesn't look too far away either! Kuel!

Howard and Eileen Dueck said...

it's so perfect the buildings look like miniatures!