Monday, June 09, 2008

The Shumans are moving......

This summer - in just over a months' time - we are moving.......just across town, no big deal. But it is actually kind of a big deal because we are moving to an apartment that is half the size of where were are currently living. That means we are having to downsize big-time. This has been a real challenge for us because we have lived in Germany for 25 + years, so our "life" and virtually all of of our stuff is here. It has been a little stressful trying to fit preparing for a move into our "spare time"! But it has also been very good to "clean house" and simplify!

I was able to get rid of a lot of stuff at a flea market that BFA hosts twice a year.

We have to completely paint this house before we move out!
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Howard and Eileen Dueck said...

i feel sorry for you! our day will come when you can feel sorry for us...!

Howard and Eileen Dueck said...

by the the new heading. very, very nice...

Blessed said...

Uncle Tim,
I understood that Sandee was taking care of EVERYTHING!!! ...and you were NOT moving???! Do I see you in painting clothes? :) Ahh, the move is on!

Unknown said...

where the heck did dad get that sweet painter's gear?

Jim and Julianna said...

Wow, stressful and painful, but downsizing is good! Nice shot of Tim in the painting garb. Or is that garb from some minimum-security prison?

So where is this new place?!