Fireworks in our town at midnight tonight. Everyone buys their own supply at local stores and then sets them off on their street or in the main town square. Tyler lighting a bottle rocket Bottle rocket blasting off! Celebrating the new year! Happy New Year from our home to yours! We wish you His abundance in 2009!
Yesterday we took a day trip to Strasbourg, just over an hour's drive from our house. Even though Christmas is past, Strasbourg, which is well known for its Christmas markets, has their booths set up through December 31. We were outside most of the time and it was so cold, but so worth seeing this very beautiful and festive city! Here are some of the sights! Christmas cookies hanging from ribbons inside a bakery Hotdogs (wurst) and sauerkraut! The hotdog stand is behind Tim in the picture. One of hundreds of decorated windows Inside the massive cathedral which is in the center of Strasbourg. Notice the huge tapestries hanging in between the pillars. One of the beautiful tapestries This picture gives you a little idea of how massive the cathedral is. It is one of the tallest churches in world. My three favorite people! We were quite a few blocks away from the cathedral when I took this. See how it towers above the other buildings?! Stuffed teddy bears hanging outside of this shop (double click to see a larger view) One of the Christmas markets Christmas market in front of the cathedral One of the few street acts. I think it was too cold! This man was playing Christmas carols and did a great job! It was fascinating to see how various little streets had diverse and very different themes for decorations. This particular street is called the street of lights. Each of these hanging lights is a chandelier! (There's another picture a little further up on the page that shows a street decorated with white trees and hanging wreaths.....and then pictures even further up that show a street with suspended angels and stars) The same street before nightfall
Tonight we had fun spending time with extended family who are also on staff at BFA. We missed having Jesse and Doris here and look forward to their soon return! Chris is Tim's nephew. His son Jonathan wants to wish you all a Happy New Year! Ha! Chris, Chrissy and happy Jonathan! Tony and Melody and family (Melody is Sandee's neice) Oh no! Mom's taking another picture!
Tyler just completed a class called Independent Living before Christmas break. One of the class's final assignments was to pair up with another class member and go to a staff home and prepare a complete meal. Tyler and Charity went to the home of two teachers and made fried chicken, biscuits, potatoes, corn, a salad and apple crisp for dessert. We received good reports when the evening was over! Next its our home, Tyler!
We want to wish all of our family and friends around the world a very blessed and meaningful Christmas. We are thankful to God for you. Most of all we are thankful for Jesus. He is the real reason for Christmas.