BFA Romania Mission trip Report #1Our son, Luke, is a part of this team.We made it safely to Marga! Flights went smoothly, we met up with Adam in Vienna, and the team is in really good spirits. Stephanie cannot stop talking about a really cool conversation with a Romanian believer on our flight from Vienna to Timisoara, and the Marga village kids had excited smiles as we drove through town. We got to play an impromptu game of street soccer with a couple of them and ran through our mime this evening.
Tonight, the students initiated a sharing/prayer session and are doing an amazing job of encouraging and challenging one another already. I am so impressed and challenged myself by your kids.
Tomorrow morning, we will be prepping for our first afternoon of VBS. Saturday morning, we will be going on a hike with kids and coming back to our second afternoon of VBS. Tonight, our students prayed that they will be open to "being" rather than "doing" and are beginning to change their perspective on how "together" our program should be. I think we're experiencing the yawns of trusting Father for the week ahead.
Please ask Father for good rest and energy for our team and for the continued ability to pour out into these kids. Ask Him to hold back forces that have prevented kids from attending VBS in the past and that their hearts would be open to hearing about the Good News.
Ask Him that we might be an encouragement also to Phil, Adinela, and David -- our contacts here in Marga. They have been very helpful and hospitable and are obviously in love with our Father and these kids.
Thank you for joining with us. Your Asking is coveted.
Suzanne and Matt